As it was our AGM we have decided to share Our VOYC. If you would like to write a blog for our newsletter please get in touch.
This was a year when despite having to respond to some significant challenges we are delighted that we have been able to continue to support our members and the sector as a whole. The ever-changing times require organisations to be fleet of foot moving more quickly when you see an opportunity and an even greater importance on working with partners. Whenever we meet members of VOYC Devon it is inspiring to hear their creativity and innovation and the real difference they make.
For over 50 years, VOYC Devon has brought the voluntary and community sector’s people together to solve problems, address route causes and inspire each other. Those of us involved with VOYC know the value and power of the voluntary and community sector and try to advocate this at every opportunity trying to make those in agencies better understand and recognize that no one organisation can solve society’s challenges alone.
The annual report looks back at our work over the past 12 months. This has been a time when we have strived to place our members at the heart of everything we do, not simply because they are our members but because we see firsthand how much they do to help children and young people to enrich their lives. We want to ensure that VOYC is advocating on behalf of what is an important part of the jigsaw that is the delivery of targeted and universal services to children & young people. Whilst we celebrate the great things that VOYC has achieved we are not complacent and recognize that we must and will challenge ourselves and our members to do better.
An infographic sets out in more detail our work over the past 12 months The biggest area of work for VOYC in 2017/18 was to deliver the community support element of the Devon County Youth