Devon Safeguarding Children Board - Best Practice Masterclass on Domestic Abuse


Event Date :
19 September 2016
Venue :
Filleigh Village Hall (near South Molton)
Description :

Devon Safeguarding Children Board - Best Practice Masterclass on Domestic Abuse
Focusing on a themes which came out of the multi-agency case audits, this masterclass will include a range of expert speakers including police and Domestic Abuse charities.

North Devon: Monday 19th September 2016,  1.00 - 4.30pm, Filleigh Village Hall (near South Molton)
South Devon: Thursday 15th September 2016, 1.00-4.30pm, Passage House Hotel, Kingsteignton
Exeter, Mid and East Devon: Monday 26th September 2016,  1.00- 4.30pm, Coaver Conference Centre, Devon County Hall.
HERE (search for ‘Masterclass’ and the three dates will be shown.)
In case staff haven’t got a CPD online account, the 
DSCB website includes step-by-step information about how to set up a new account. Please arrive at 12.45 for tea/coffee and registration for a prompt 1pm start.
If you would like any more information about these events, please contact the 
DSCB mailbox or the Safeguarding Lead Professional, Georgina Adams.